A Roman Catholic Church located in Lexington, Nebraska, within the Diocese of Grand Island. There are approximately 1,200 families in the St. Ann's parish
Una Iglesia Católica Romana ubicada en Lexington, Nebraska, dentro de la Diócesis de Grand Island, Nebraska. Hay aproximadamente 1.200 familias en la parroquia de St. Ann.
Fr. Jose Chavez, Pastor • Fr. Emmanuel Eddie, Associate Pastor
Jesse Alvarez, Permanent Deacon
United in Baptism, we the parish family of St. Anns in Lexington, Nebraska are a Eucharistic people gifted with diversity and talent. Empowered by the Spirit of God's love, we celebrate, proclaim, teach and live the compassionate presence of Jesus.
Unidos por el Bautismo, nosotros las familia parroquial de Santa Ana en Lexington, Nebraska, somos gente eucarística bendecidos con la diversidad y talento. Fortalecidos por el Espíritu de Dios, nosotros, celebramos, proclamamos, enseñamos y vivimos las presencia misericordiosa de Jesús.
Elementary Religious Education (Kindergarten-5th Grades)
Middle/High School Religious Education (6th-10th Grades)
High School Pre-Confirmation &
Confirmation Classes (11th & 12th grades)
Please contact the St. Ann's Parish Office to register your child (308) 324-4647
St. Ann's Parish Center - Offices
1003 N. Taft St., Lexington, NE 68850
301 East 6th Street, Lexington, Nebraska 68850, United States
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
St. Ann's Catholic Church, Lexinton, Nebraska
301 East 6th Street, Lexington, Nebraska 68850, United States